

Bryan Richards (not to be confused with H. Bryan Richards of the quorum of the Seventy) has been a lifetime member. He was born into an active home where the doctrines of the gospel were discussed regularly. He served a mission in South Korea and returned to the usual pursuits of family and education. He works in Layton, Utah as an Otolaryngologist (ENT doctor). He is a husband and father of five sons and has served in several church capacities, including gospel doctrine teacher, high council, and bishop. He currently serves as the ward organist. All in all, he is a "run-of-the-mill" member with an undying interest and fascination for the doctrines of the gospel. If there is a paragraph in this website which does not reference another author, it was written by the author/editor. He takes full responsibility for the correctness of the principles taught, and the overall content of this website.

Website Creation/Editor

Current website: Ryan Constantine is a lifetime member. He served as a missionary in the Tokyo North Mission in the early 90's. He is a husband and father of four children. He is currently a programmer for a major Northern California hospital system's pharmacy department and has developed and contributed to countless web sites as a freelance web programmer. He has served in many positions including clerk, executive secretary, teacher, scout leader, emergency prep specialist, and Elders Quorum President. He revised the website in 2012 with a launch date of Jan 1st, 2013. He also did the Jan 1st, 2017 refresh of the site.

Spanish Translation 

Benjamin Hinojosa lives in Mexico City and runs a sporting goods business.  He has extensive church leadership experience and is using that to translate the Book of Mormon for us.  His contributions will bless generations of Spanish speaking saints.